Exam Prep Products and Pricing

For those of you that haven't looked, Citrixxperience has new, lower prices on our practice exams and a new checkout system.

1Y0-A06 product pageThe products for sale as of today are the 1Y0-259 and 1Y0-264 exam simulations, and the 1Y0-A05, 1Y0-A06 and 1Y0-A09 exam simulations and printable PDFs.

The prices are: $59.00 for each exam simulation; $49.00 for each printable PDF; $98.00 for both (savings of $10.00)

The savings are incredible compared to the old price of $129.00.

The checkout system is PayPal, which is the web's most popular payment system. With it, you can pay with credit or debit card, direct bank deposit or money on-hand in PayPal's account. This system is much easier to administer and is probably the most widely accepted payment system in the world. If you don't already have a PayPal account, that's OK because it only takes a minute to sign up and make a purchase.Image of PayPal and credit cards.

Enjoy the new prices and look for more products to come shortly.

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