1Y0-A20 Online Exam Update January 3, 2012

Please Note: Prices and exams have all been updated since this post was written. Please check the Products page for the latest practice exams and prices. The 1Y0-A20 Citrix® XenApp 6.5 Administration online practice exam is in the finishing stages. The practice exam is actually completed and approved by Cirix® Education, but we …

1Y0-A24 Citrix XenServer 5.6 Study Guide

1Y0-A24 Citrix XenServer 5.6 Administration Study Guide #Pre-Deployment Planning

To use StorageLink, the environment requires a supported storage array and one or more hypervisor hosts (Hyper-V or XenServer) running Windows 2008 or 2008 R2.

Internal networks have no connection to the outside world, as they have no association to a physical network interface. Internal networks provide connectivity only between …